Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hey, Mr.Tambourine Man (Sing Me Back To Sleep)

The covers continue to roll out, and restoration work is currently underway for FUCKING HILARIOUS. Should be good for a laugh, in the very least.

Fresh work may take a brief backseat, pretty soon, so that I may prepare a set for my sister's wedding. (This is more a warning than a guarantee, of coarse.) But, I may be able to keep it all running, concurrently, as the work I have cut out and on the table is all, well- covers.

Request line remains OPEN

Monday, March 22, 2010

Under Cover

Recorded nearly ten covers today.

Not all of them will be immediately usable, but I'd say, overall, I'm pretty psyched about most of them.

I already could use some more requests, but so far they've been really cool, and challenging, and I can honestly say that I have not felt this enthused about writing/recording in recent memory.

So, thanks everybody, for the push.

The request line remains OPEN.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

*Not Stirred

Just when you thought
I'd completely shaken the creativity bug, all together,
I did an interview.

Check check it.
